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000105_owner-lightwave-l _Sat Oct 8 13:48:27 1994.msg
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From: Brian Churchill <bchurch@ubd1.Vdospk.COM>
Message-Id: <9410081817.AA08341@ubd1.Vdospk.COM>
Subject: Re: Fly schtuff
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 13:17:20 -0500 (CDT)
In-Reply-To: <199410080937.CAA00565@mail3.netcom.com> from "Peter Bowmar" at Oct 8, 94 05:38:50 pm
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
> > Let's face it: all nonlinear systems use compression. Therefor,
> > the only way to get maximum quality is to online on Digital videotape (in
> > our case, Digital Betacam). I don't care how much Avid, EMC, Fast, Newtek
> > etc. crow about how good their compression is, it's still compression, and
> > it just doesn't look as good.
Have you seen the Flyer's specs yet?
Apparently the Flyer has a luminance bandwidth of >6.0 Mhz, while Digital
Betacam has 5.5 or so. The Flyer also has >56dB signal-to-noise, and
the compression is advertised by NewTek as "lossless". Don't be fooled
if you see the Flyer demo, either. Most all the footage they have
stockpiled in the machine right now comes from 2nd generation BetaSP or
worse, even the Animation demo reel, which looked awful good.
The composite issue still hinders the Flyer's acceptance into the elite
video market, but it sure as heck will introduce a whole lot more creative
and talented people into it.
- - LIGHTWAVE ANIMATORS that is. - -
(since that is the topic of this board...)
(and video quality has quite a bit to do with Lightwave!)
\ \ _________________ / /\
\ \\\ / Brian Churchill \______________________________________ /// /\\
\ \\\ / President, WTVT Users Group & Studio M Productions, Inc.\ /// / \\
\ \\X---------------------------------\ mail:BChurch@VdoSpk.Com X// /
\ \ \ "Cruising the Internet \_______________________/ X /
\ \/\ For Your Entertainment." ___________________________/\/ V
\/ \__________________________/